Your Search Engine Optimization Campaign
Why you should optimize with Positioned1
Link popularity is included. Link popularity is the key to high rankings on today's search engines. Most of our competition does NOT
include link popularity with their search engine optimization plans. If your web site company is not working aggressively on link popularity on a month to month bases then what are you paying them to do? With my service, in addition to receiving monthly ranking reports I receive a monthly spreadsheet showing you exactly what links I have secured for your website.
Search Engine Placement and Registration is very important. Knowing the ins and outs is your best shot of getting listed. We do not use one of the "submit your site to 1500 search engines" services. It's been proven that doing so is the quickest way to get your site blacklisted by search engines. Scary, huh? It's true. There are also a lot of people out there claiming to be search engine optimization professionals that are breaking rules that will hurt you more than help you.
Search Engine Optimization Solution
Your best chance for getting listed is through individualized hand submissions. Using a combination of good titles, descriptions, keywords and relevant copy is your key to success. This is where I can help you. With years of experience I know what works and I can help you achieve success.